Hi there, how are you?
My name is Rebecca Francés, a Front End Developer with a passion for learning, UI/UX experience and very cool projects under my belt. My goals are simple enough: Deliver the best I can do to get it done, learn more every day, stay humble and smile.
I know when to lead and when to follow, I love working on teams. I dislike the lack of honesty, sincerity and/or payment. I deliver results and most of the time they will go beyond that if and when time allows it. I'm a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community for support and advocacy.
Current Stats
- HTML/HTML5: ★★★★★
- React: ★★★★☆
- CSS/CSS3: ★★★★★
- SVG: ★★★★★
- Node: ★★★☆☆
- sqlite: ★★★★☆
- Electron: ★★★★☆
- SQL: ★★★☆☆
- Wireframing: ★★★★★
- Rapid Prototyping: ★★★★☆
- UI/UX: ★★★★☆
- Inkscape: ★★★☆☆
- Photoshop: ★★★★☆
- Glimpse: ★★★★☆
GitHub Profile
55 public repositories and 3 followers . I've been using GitHub since 2010. This is a good place to take a look at some of the technologies I've used over the years.
Academics and Accomplishments
- Bachelor mathematical physicist
- Computer Management Degree (4th Year)
- Managing Organizational Change for Managers (LinkedIn)
- Collaboration Principles and Process (LinkedIn)
- Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (LinkedIn)
- Managing Diversity (LinkedIn)
- Managing New Managers (LinkedIn)
- Talent Management (LinkedIn)
- Cert Prep: Project Management Professional (PMP)® (LinkedIn)
- HTML5: Video and Audio (LinkedIn)
- Vanilla Javascript: Binding and Propagation (LinkedIn)
- Creating a Career Plan (LinkedIn)
- Javascript: Templating (LinkedIn)
- Unconscious Bias (LinkedIn)
- Building a Web Interface with React.js (LinkedIn)
- Learning React.js (LinkedIn)
- Learning Redux (LinkedIn)
- React.js Essential Training (LinkedIn)
- Dynamic Web Design with PHP, MySQL and Javascript (Infinite Skills)
- Learning Javascript Programming (Infinite Skills)
- Introduction to Typescript (Udemy)
- Jasmine JavaScript Testing (Udemy)
- Javascript: Understanding the Weird parts (Udemy)
- Jquery Fundamentals Training (Udemy)
- Learn and Understand AngularJS (Udemy)
- PHP Programming From Scratch (Udemy)
- Typescript: Iniciación (Udemy)
- Usable PHP (Udemy)
- WebDesign & HTML5/CSS3 (Udemy)
- Jquery Fundamentals (Webucator)
Job Experience
Freelance Consultant 2005Working Hard on the Web
Teaching Assistant 2002-2004Teaching the Youth
Freelance Front-End Developer 2006-2011Making the Web Awesome
Front-End Developer at Concatel 2012-2013Creating software to improve retail experiences
Software Engineer at Netcentric 2013-2014Improving usability for decision-making tools
Frontend Team Lead at Mango 2014-2015Reshaping retail by rewriting it
Web Team Lead at DMI (Digital Management, Inc.) 2016-2018Helping Modern Art achieve digital transformation
Senior Frontend Developer at TBSCG 2018-2019Satellites and Fragrances
Senior Frontend Developer at Werfen 2019-2022Internal tools to look for and download documentation
Senior Frontend Developer at Materialise 2022-PresentCurrent Position
Here's my portfolio
I've worked for a wide variety of clients, here's a sample of my work
Freelancer work
A bit about me
| She/Her,
- Addicted to caffeine (hypotension perk),
- In love with cinema,
- Likes vintage cartoons and comics,
- Collects game consoles and video-games,
- Reads A LOT (mostly 'how-tos' and manuals, balanced with poetry),
- Star Wars fan,
- Enjoys drawing way too much,
- Doesn't give up easily,
- Did I tell you how much I love caffeine?
In a nutshell, this is me, and this some of my work so far. If you are curious and would like to know more, here you have my contact details
Contact Me
- Barcelona
- https://squidjam.com
- squidjam@gmail.com